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‘I sense them as well,’ said Lorios.

‘As do I,’ said Axiolis.

‘Same here,’ said Yangéra.

“Okay,” said Diego, who’d apparently become the spokesperson for everynon-reaper in the group. “So what’s the big deal? I mean, I know plants are fairly uncommon in the Undercrust, but is that all we’re going off of?”

‘No, the thing is,’ said Garovel, ‘these are plants that we recognize. By their “soul-signature,” if you will. And I don’t think any of us have ever sensed these types of plants anywhere but the surface.’

Another chorus of agreement arose from the other reapers.

“What in the world?” said Diego. “You’re saying that there are plants down here that shouldn’t be able to survive in this environment? How is that possible?”

‘That is a very good question,’ said Garovel. ‘And it is why we are going to investigate.’

A few more beats of silence passed.

Then Diego, as if realizing something, said, “So we have no idea how we’re going to reach Capaporo and reunite with everyone.”


“Meanwhile, they’re probably freaking out, worrying that we’re all dead.”


“And without you there to guide them, they won’t know where to go, so they’ll be stuck in Capaporo.”


“This plan bites,” said Diego.

‘Never said it didn’t,’ said Garovel.


Hector didn’t disagree with the man. He wondered how the other Rainlords would react to this development. Things must’ve looked really bad from their end, but would they simply give up on them? Hector hoped they would. With the way the reapers had been describing the sheer volume of worms here, trying to fight their way here... even with as much strength as Asad, Dimas, Salvador, Darktide, and all the others had at their disposal...

It seemed like a terrible idea. One of the worst Hector could imagine, in these circumstances.

But then again...

These were Rainlords.

Hector honestly didn’t know what they would do. And he wanted to posethe question aloud, but he caught a glimpse of Diego’s face. And Zeff’s.

They were probably even more worried about it than he was. Bringing it up now wouldn’t change that, nor would it improve their own predicament.

‘On the bright side,’ said Garovel, making everyone perk up ever so slightly, ‘our companions, Roman and Voreese, the ones you haven’t met yet, should also be in Capaporo. So if they all meet up together, then even without us there, there’s a good chance that they will make it to Warrenhold safely.’

True enough, Hector supposed. He found it difficult to imagine Roman and Voreese hitting it off with the Rainlords and everything going as smoothly as Garovel was suggesting, but again, he kept that to himself. If nothing else, he could appreciate Garovel’s attempt to maintain morale.

As they continued on, Hector tried to think of a new topic of conversation, preferably something that wouldn’t instigate the same feeling of helplessness as the last subject.

The ruined buildings gave him an idea, at least. “...Does anyone know what this city was called?”



Would've had this page up earlier, but my foot was, like, SUPER itchy. It's okay now, but it took up my whole morning. Anyway, next page will be up in four-ish hours.


Awesome to finaly support you frost!!!!!