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Muscle kitty is ending soon (Sunday the 20th)  So its nearly time for the Tier 3: Size is the Prize  subs to vote on the next project.

Once Kitty is done, I'll put up new poll and let it run for a while because its been a bit since we did a big community battle royale 

Its gonna be a big poll this time with a variety of possibilities.. I think, I haven't finalized the choices yet, but Its going to be a mix of things cute things, dangerous things, strong things scary things scaly things, fuzzy things, cool things, and stupid things.  

Curious as to what you will vote for this time.

Even if your choice doesn't win, do not despair.

For I remember....



Now's the time to scan through the PITT, folks. :-)

The Trolldier

Praying for Mewtwo 🙏