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having one of those days.  You know the days when you JUST WANTED SOME LEMON PEPPER CHICKEN!!


Anyway, I will not burden you with chicken woes. Considering biting the bullet and upgrading to Clip Studio 2.0.  its neat.

Hulk update probably tomorrow if not super late tonight.  I dont know how long it will take me to recover from my poor poor overcooked chicken.

Is Spyro the only videogame mascot character with 4 legs?



Anything can have four legs if you turn their hands into an extra pair of feet.


I highly recommend the Wacom Cintiq 16 inch. I didn't do the pro model and it's still awesome... best bang for your buck in my opinion. Also... I am on Clip Studio but I use Corel Painter 8 for most of my colors and effects. The tablet is more worth it... go for that.


I just may. Ive been rocking an intuos for the last few years. Cintiq's always sort of stood as the mark of a professional in my mind. Pricey little bastards. Maybe i will treat myself to one this year. Will see, always a million variables to deal with.

Simon Feralle

Theres the entire cast to Thems Fightin' Herds