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Currently resting at -4F  (-20c for everyone that uses metrics that make sense) I have my heater going but there is a draft from this window here that is slicing me in half like an anime wind based sword attack. 

Has my comp temps in the teens tho.

But there is no time for suffering.

Gotta listen to Shadow and "learn to focus"

*Doesnt focus*


*destroys reality*


Cameron Holmes

metrics that make sense?! you mean measurements steeped in FREEDOM

Little Fluff

*laughs in Floridian who escaped containment and now lives in Michigan*


fuck this winter cold...


BR....actually the good thing is check out the pattern next week though. Most of the U.S. we all will be back to above temps and rain for most part. Weird Winter already. https://twitter.com/ValaAfshar/status/1606282375884931074?s=20


Dropped to single digits (currently 8F and dropping) where I'm at. A power outage in the next several hours would REALLY suck.