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I'll spare you the grisly details but lets just say its refocused my desire (and need!) to move out of this place.

Also the city flooded but I was lucky in that direction.

Anyway, Dinopowers are activating.

Oh man I do NOT like this new patreon design...




Hope all is well and yea dude every website has to change their shit DA keeps telling me it's changing the watch page and I pre mad already


Patreon's original site design was a bit clunky in spots (the comment system was broken half the time) but it was fine for the most part. This new one is going to take some getting used to. I like the fact that the memberships are readily accessible on the left side there but the rest just seems so... I dunno... bland.

Barkley Beaver

Daaaamn! What a beast she's becoming! There are no words to describe how hot this is!

Cade Rufus

Can’t wait to see what she looks like when the transformation is finished!


Love when they get big beastly muscles.