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Man, steam sales sure arent what they used to be.  Remember flash sales?  Remember huge discounts up to 90% on games that were still pretty recent?

Looking though it now and a 30% discount on a 60 dollar item is like... thanks?

Hell two of the things i want arent even ON sale cause they came out a week ago (dnf duel and capcom fighting collection).

In the olden days I could go just HAM and not break the budget but now?  I can get like... 3 things.


Maybe we'll start a puzzlefighter scrub league.


Next Kyrstal coming this weekend probably.  Shes here on my screen getting all thicc and scary.  Also gonna make a new banner since Krystal is crystalizng.   

After shes done I might just pull something out random to do. Maybe do the WereWarBot Rivet idea I have kicking around my head.

Still apartment hunting too.  You know if I had done this last year id save like 30% on an apartment?  But I was in the hospital with THE PLAGUE.

ANywaY, thats enough rambling for now.  Will apply more thinking thoughts when I think on them some.



I'm down for fgc times aye


I would have liked Capcom to add a Marvel vs Capcom, either 1 or 2, even so Capcom fighting collection I loved it :3.


I am torn between liking the consistency of Steam sales now, compared to the old days where it was like everyday felt like timing the stock market and exciting.


WereWarBot Rivet sounds very interesting! Robo TF with huge paws incoming?


The Rivet one could be pretty damn good. Also Steam sales....so far I did pick up a game but nothing much as I already got a fair bit around the Christmas Sales like Age of Empires 4.


I want to grab KOF15, but i have EIGHT MILLION fighting games I already dont have time for.


The MVC games are apparently a licensing nightmare dealing with Disney. People still play mvc3 and even mvcI on pc tho


I remember i used to watch the flash sales like a hawk for those forbidden 5 dollar games.