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Ammo is expensive, why do people... anyway.

2022 is hear, Betty White didnt quite make it but presumably most of us here did.


Now that Ive depressed you all, THINGS!

The internet is swollen to bursting today with posts and vids of people staring right into the camera talking about the past year, and whats coming up.

For me/us I plan to get my posting schedule back in order after these slower holiday months AND move on to new things both here and in my normal life.

[New year, new projects]

3wuff moon will be ending tonight/tomorrow.  Sill doing last minute tweaks and credits.  but after that its time for another big one with Krystal

[yeaaaaah you]

For this site?  Well I want to continue to grow and perhaps make enough from here to finally, FINALLY get out of this hole in the wall apartment.  Maybe I should put up some of those old school "patreon goal" thingies? I dunno.  Stretch goals are always trouble. (im looking at You, Might No. 9!)  

For DA, remember my old DA page?  Im goign ot pretty much tear it down and rebuild it.  I need a place to post incidental stuff.  

Did you guys see you can sub to people on Deviant now?  How the fuck does that even work?

Earlier in the year I floated the Idea of streaming to alternate rat and.. Hrmm.  You see Im not big on people, so it would probably be just a stream of me silently Inking weird things to videogame music.  But it is something im still hemming and hawing on.  Maybe I'll become a V-TUBER.. :P

[Oh god could you Imagine?]

Oh, back to Krystal.  Its big and involved, I need to do decent backgrounds and research and crap to bring it up to my current standards (thats a problem with some of these super old ones, theyre suuuper old).  SO I'll be posting shorter/smaller/single pics while I work on Dinosaur planet.  Make random suggestions!  

[Streams might get.. out of hand...]

I Also still have about a dozen pokemon chillin in my files i meant to post for you guys.

SO lets start today after this message.  (so it doesnt get burried in my flotsam).

Whats with the Goats? 

Tooling around with wallpaper engine and animated desktops here and there.  No you cant see lol shits terrible, but its fun learning how the layers and effects work while i make things jiggle to the music.

[No im not teasing you, what kind of monster do you think I am?]

Gonna get back to work here before i get too tired to be useful.  Everybody avoid stray gunfire and the plague!

...Edit: I misspelled "Here" On the first friggin line.  Im not changing it.


Changqing Li

wow! you are the first TF artist who like. I like TF art because of you on 2015. I knew you on DA firstly lol😂 Welcome back to DA


Happy New Year rat I think a stream would be cool, and hell yea I was one of those helpless people banging on your DA page for a while there, maybe there are others who don't even know you live!


Happy New Year! I am a long time fan and I still love your art! For the suggestions I was thinking about Eeveelutions and a transformation into Braixen! I wish you all the best for 2022! PS: sorry for my English I'm a french fan !


I love this goat


PAWS. Big werewolf paws. Draw some of em, mid shift, post shift, I don't really care. Paws big enough to cover your whole chest, paws big enough to give a full body hug. I implore you, there is no such thing as too much soft squishy werewolf pawpad. sincerely, ren after a bottle of champagne. Happy new year


Good stuff dude. Also if you said on the Krystal coming, if you need to remake the entire thing to get it to your current style and standard that's fine too.


Happy new year, you crazy rat! Also... funnily enough, I think I could be into the notion of a stream where the artist doesn't feel forced to come up with things to say, and just does his thing, while we get to listen to the same music as he does.


More sonic stuff is always welcome. Plus I wouldn’t mind seeing a Shima Luan tf from you.


happy new year! Even after, like, a year of this, it's still a nice treat seeing stuff from you. Glad the patreon thing's working out!


I wouldn’t mind you revisiting that Raichu Ash~