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Whew, sorry for the delays in posting everybody.

So as it turns out, long covid plus even simple stuff like a flu absolutely crushes you.

Who would have guessed :V

Anyways, hope everyone's been doin alright in my absence.  I saw alt-rat had my back (again), and posted a piece while I was half-dead in bed.  I really should get him something.  A snack maybe?  Iunno, I'll figure something out.  

Almost finished with an extra piece as well.  I should have it finished up by tomorrow (tm) to go along with the next RFTP.



Bradley The Blue Fox

Glad you're back Rat! This page is awesome! If you're still not feeling 100% you should get some rest or at least take it easy


I'm scared of Long Covid so I got all my shots, I don't even wish that on my worst enemy so it's especially troubling that you have it. Take care of yourself.


TY, Pheag. I just have my fingers crossed it eventually goes away. If not then... Well, let's just hope that's not the case :V


I'm very glad you're feeling better and I hope you continue to improve! This is a really cool page, by the way.


Get better man! Your pages are awesome! :)