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Been talking to Commander Kean off and on the past two days, and he's already doing better!  Was up and walking around today with the oxygen mask on.  Possibly even grousing about not having a supply of fruit loops.  Was tired after a bit, but hey, at least he can stand on his own two feet again.  

Docs want him to stay there for five days to keep an eye on him and all that jazz.  At a minimum, they want to make sure he can get around without the oxygen before he leaves.  Will update again in a couple days, or if anything major changes.

Oh!  Also read him everyone's get-well-wishin', and it warmed his heart.  He'll furiously deny it when he gets back, but it's true.



Glad that he is doing well, make sure he gets as much rest as he can! Hope he gets better soon!


Excellent! Glad to hear he’s okay! Wish him a speedy recovery for us!


That’s a good news!

Kalani Bluesturm

We need our tf artist as we enjoy his comics and shenanigans and hlad he is doing well as others were not so lucky


Thanks for keeping us updated mysterious shadow blackrat!!


Good to hear that he is better and that his appetitie for Froot Loops is intact!


I hope he turns into a crow when he gets out XP Glad he's doing better


Good to hear, thumb up ^_^


All the best to him!

Sean Pryor

So glad hes doing well get well soon!!

Little Fluff

Make sure the doc gives him the shot that turns him into a lizard, not the boring one that just cures you


at least he seems to be feeling lil better