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Alright, just a quick update for everyone.  Keanon is at the hospital.  Was having a rough time of it this morning, and started to feel worse as the day went on.

He's at the hospital now, and on oxygen.  Don't panic too much, though.  He's doing good, and they have him on some extra chems to help him get better.  I'll keep everyone up to date over the next few days until he gets out.

In the meantime, he has some rainy day stuff set aside in lieu of the last 'hog that I'll post tonight and for the new month.



Hope he can feel better soon, let him recover as long as he needs to, his health is his number one priority, we can wait


Yikes. Get better chief!


Hope he gets well soon. Prayers... If it's appropriate.


Ali: Hope you recovering in full health. Be strong, we’re all support you.


Shit I know it says don't worry but I will anyway man well wishes!


Hope he feels better! :(


Just curious, is he at least alert? COVID is definitely treatable now since we know it more.


Hope he feels better soon.


Lol! He was worried that might be the case for a lot of peeps. Been through this with several friends at this point, and he doesn't have any of the warning signs of it being super nasty.


Oh yeah he's doing much better after they got him on oxygen. Was chatting with him about an hour ago. He's mostly just disgruntled after they told him he couldn't have an IV of dew in his arm.

Unclear AKA The-Coast-is-Near

Being in the hospital is never a good sign, based on my family experience. I really hope he pulls though and is able to return to normal.


True enough, but I've seen several people lain flat by this and ended up getting better after a week in the hospital. He's not in any of the age ranges where it tends to really crush people, so I'm hopeful.


Ohh heck.. that is gotta hurt.. let’s hope BR will be alright.


Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? I'm glad he's doing better on oxygen but I'm not gonna be comfortable til he's completely out of the woods.


I hope he recovers well.


Me? C'mon, that would completely ruin the surprise. Evil twin arc doesn't start for at least two more seasons.


Damn. Well, hope he gets better soon, then!


Wishing you a swift recovery, good sir!


Thats terrifying. Wishing him luck.


Belated well wishes for sure. Your getting your care, so rest up and take it easy; no need to rush back.