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Happy New Years from CST land everyone!

I'd get some zzz, but you'd be surprised how many people are still willing to run out in single digit weather to fire guns everywhere :V

Let's all hope everything's a little less crazy come this time next year.




There's nothing like some good old, timeless, traditional wuffage to kick off the new year.

Donovan Grayson

This is a great way to start the year!


Happy New year Mr Ratto


Why is this one in the pit (out of curiosity)? It looks pretty detailed and fully drawn out compared to some of the others.


It's a victim of time really. It's one of those projects I always mean to get back to, but something would always come up and it would get pushed further and further down the chain. Then one day a year later, I'd be looking through my folders and go, "oh hey!, I remember this! I should get back to it." Then the process repeats.


this one is really awesome, i hope it could come out XD


Could! If there's enough interest in it, it'll probably make it's way to one of the rounds of voting