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It’s time everyone.  IT’S (almost) TIME!  The current plan is to send out the poll at the beginning of next month, and let it run for a couple weeks.  Should give everyone who has taken the $12 tier at least once time to put in their votes.  Just a reminder: If you’ve taken the $12 tier for multiple months, you will be able to provide an equivalent number of votes.

After voting has concluded, I’ll be finishing up the last few pages of Beastgurls here, and then will start posting a bit of a buffer comic I’ve been working on on the side.  Between the two of them, it should give me plenty of time to start work on the poll winner, and I’ll just transition in posting that!

With all that being said, here will be your options!

Chicken Boo(ty) - You know, old cartoons are great.  Why, you may ask?  Simple!  They really draw you in.  No, really, just ask this couple here.  Just a couple lines of that catchy intro song, and Abby is positively going wild for more!  Yeah, her boyfriend should probably start running… Like, now.


-Chicken TF


-Minor paw emphasis

-M/F smex

-Happy ending (in more way than one)

Does, Two Deer, Two Big Dicked Deer - Brays of cursed forest fuuuuun!  Ahem, anyway.  Two newbie hunters head into the woods to find some game, only to find themselves become the prey!  


-(Feral) Deer TF

-M/F smex

-Some minor M/M

-No paws? Madness, but true.

Full Moon Frenzy - When a girl confronts a local cheerleader about a rash of local disappearances, she finds out there's more to her than meets the eye...  Don’t want to give much away about this one, sorry.  BUT YOU’LL SEE.


-Big werewolf TF, 

-Booty based slobbering, 

-Muscle growth, 

-Minor paw emphasis

Wild Ride - David’s in quite the pickle.  The college loans from all those vet classes are getting out of control, and with no way to pay them...  Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.  Time to call his amateur filmmaker friend, and make a little movie.  


-(Feral) Horse TF

-Phantom mare shenanigans

-No paws.  How do these keep getting on here!?

My Spotted Valentine - Wanted to give a less porn-ish option for some people.  A nosy reporter finds herself in deep trouble after uncovering a local mad doctor's lair.  At least she got thrown into a cage NEXT to the hyena beast, instead of the same one.  Shame about those fleas, though...  


-Hyena TF

-Lotta muscle growth


Omega Paw - Another less porn-ish option.  Kkkkkinda?  This is the option for those who want the paw.  All of the paws.  Werewolf paw, to be exact.  Werewolf paw being slobbered by another werewolf to be even more exact, I suppose.  


-(Feral) werewolf TF

-Hyper paw


-Did I mention paw?  

-Feel like I might have mentioned paw already, but PAW.

-This joke is now played out… Paw.

Solo EXP - Vote for this if you want me to just continue work on the buffer comic.  A cautionary tale of a Burmecian that tried to go solo grind experience on dragons, only to get ground on herself.


-(Feral) Dragon TF

-F -> M TG

-Moderate Paw


-M/F Deep Dragon Dicking


-Lethally corny dialogue



wow lots of choices idk, smex would be a first for a BR comic but man idk I gotta like deliberate


My favorites are Full Moon Frenzy Omega Paw Wild Ride


Not what I expected but interesting


So many choices. I'll go with (in order): Full Moon Frenzy, My Spotted Valentine, Wild Ride. The big dogs come first for me. ;)

Mena B.

Cheerleading werewolf muscle? You've gone and done it again, take my money. Though it seems there's more muscle option too, perhaps the options wouldn't necessarily change too much by the end of the next comic? In case a runner up is really requested?

Bradley The Blue Fox

Good Lord why did you have to put down so many good options BR ;; I hope some of these make a come back. There's definitely some of like to see more than others but I kinda know which ones might win first X3


I... May have gone slightly overboard, but at least there will be a little something for everybody :V


Yeah, I figure I'll keep the other ideas in rotation for at least a couple votes. Replace the winner with a new idea, of course.


My Spotted Valentine for sure. We have more wolf and dragon TFs than we know what to do with, but hyena needs more love.


Usually bias on the Werewolf stuff as that's what I tend to draw anyway so I will kind of leave it up to others. :)

Tyger Strype

Full moon Frenzy is my vote ^^


I really want to see more birds from you. Not realy sure about the smexy though, I was never really huge on that myself. Might just vote for that one for a bird comic but the others would be Omega Paw, Full Moon Frenzy, and My Spotted Valentine.


You'll be happy to hear that the smexy stuff would most likely be post TF. Should still be able to enjoy most of the comic if that part turns you off.


Thinking between Full moon frenzy and Omega paw @w@ I cant give two votes ? hahaha...anyway if I will have to with one, then I vote for Full moon frenzy :3

Illusions Master

It's hard to choose between Full Moon Frenzy / My Spotted Valentine, ٩(ŏ﹏ŏ、)۶If I must make a choice among them, My Spotted Valentine is my first choice. need more hyena( ゚∀゚) ノ♡

Unclear AKA The-Coast-is-Near

Ahh man I'm a huge bird guy so I'm heavily leaning towards the Chicken... But you also do amazing werewolves so Full Moon Frenzy also sounds great... 🤔


Full moon frenzy or wild ride or omega paw


Definitely "Full Moon Frenzy" for me.

Djynn Bé

Paws is good for us : Omega Paw =)


Werewolf, dragon both are great, thats a hard choice.

Gefco Cham

Full Moon Frenzy!


Do all of them.


Horse of course, so wild ride OwO


I'll choose my spotted Valentine


Do you think you're gonna recycle ideas for future polls? I'm obviously happy to see you do any these, but lemme just say... omega paw is overdue to happen


Almost certainly! From the comments so far, it looks like there' some decent interest in all of the ideas. If one or two in particular don't see many vote I may take those ones out. We'll see!


Hmm... Could always put two/three votes to hyena and one to full moon. So many possibilities!


My Spotted Valentine, I liked the hyena thing you did for shai and it sounds like you really want to go all out on the muscle growth


Full Moon Frenzy or Omega Paw :D


i cast my vote for Solo EXP or Omega Paw


Solo EXP~


Solo EXP