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Wood planks?  Child's play.   Bricks?  What a joke.  With their patented were-rabbit kick, these two can shatter steel girders!




Put me in coach, I'll join the team. Can't stop thinking of how much I missed these.


Soo much paw ❤️

Darsen McPanda

Ahh, so that pair was bunnies! Definitely a good sequence here.


This is a prime example of a comic that sort of lost containment and just became an uncontrolled pile of monster. I 'think' I had settled on making one of them a cat-bunny and the other a wolf-bunny, but it just wound up collapsing under its own girth and winding up in the graveyard. If I ever revisit this I may make at least one of them have Fuzz-paw. Im a fan of bare pads myself. Maybe for a pure rabbit type Id go fully Judy Hopps fuzzpaw.


This is super detailed. Wow, I. Not used to seeing something like this from you. This long of a sequence