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Blurry photo, my phones camera is terrible. It's like it's forever stuck in macro mode.


You see that Ratchet? Thats a displate. It's made of metal and pretty chonky. A couple nights ago that displate fell off the wall and OBLITERATED the little shelves that used to be up there. Turns out wall-safe adhesive is not so wall safe when a lombax yeets them into the night.

Luckily, I have plenty of decorative hexagons to cover the UTTER PAINT DESTRUCTION left behind.

It also didnt break anything OTHER than those shelves. Which is wild when you like. Look at it.



How about that poster <3


Got it in January to fill out my bare walls. Fedex actually lost my first one, so somewhere out there another one is in a backroom somewhere, unloved and unmounted.