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Hey guys! Letting you know that I'm thinking about updating my patreon tiers and milestones here by March. As many of you may (or may not) know my artwork is how I make a living. It's been really hard the past while to sustain myself through this, despite me being in a very fortunate place that allows me a meager existence on the income I've been making. Those of you that know me well are familiar that each month is a struggle to make ends meet with food and rent, even when I'm not suffering from anxiety caused by caffeine or moving. Being hungry all the time really makes focusing on art really difficult! These changes to my Patreon will end up taking effect in March, you know, unless they don't. I have no idea how this is going to go!

That being said what are some things you'd like to see as a Patron and what you guys think I should do to help myself make a more livable wage off as well as get more productive?


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