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I want to update my the tiers here and the rewards associated with them. I've been thinking on it for a while now and I would like to see what all of you think of them before I implement any changes.

Tier - Reward

-$1- Tip Jar

-$2- Sketches of everything drawn that month.

-$4- $2 rewards + 1k resolution commission images.

-$8- $2+$4 rewards + 3k resolution commission+personal images.

-$10- $2+$4+$8 rewards + Access to full resolution PSD files.

I want to remove the wing-it raffle from my rewards for the time being since I have been unable to juggle that with my backlog of current work. I plan to have it come back when I get things more under control.



In my opinion, successful Patreons deliver their "best" rewards at $3-4. You want to get a large number of low value patrons; make the decision to support you as cheap and easy as possible. That makes it more likely for people to start following you. At the same time, if they are disappointed by one particular month's content, the low cost makes it less likely that they'll bother unsubscribing. With that in mind, I would suggest either adding 1k personal works to the $4 tier, or simply charging $4 for what is currently used as the $8 tier. I would hope that the low fee would attract more patrons. I might be wrong, but low cost, high value Patreons is where I believe Patreon operates best for artists. In any event, good luck with whatever you decide.


I appreciate the thoughtful feedback! I will take this into consideration when I implement changes to the tiers and content.


I kinda have to go with aabsurdity, it makes sense, and the lack of content on a weekly basis has been slow.. I know you had things going on irl life, but when it comes to business and you want more followers, the lower the price the better. These pictures will be seen eventually and people will wait to see them instead of pay a greater cost. I love your art, and I love what you're doing thats why I'm supporting you. If you were pumping out drawings week after week, then it'd be worth paying such a higher amount. Also do you do commissions to only certain people? Or is there a way to get one through this site?


I see where you are coming from in regards to patreon. I suppose I never really thought about it that way and it makes a lot of sense.


Where do people normally go to get commissions from you?


First through Weasyl ( <a href="https://www.weasyl.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.weasyl.com/</a>~veyll ) then through Tumblr ( <a href="http://braised-knight.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://braised-knight.tumblr.com/</a> ).