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First things first!

My mother and pop have gone out of state to visit a friend who has been on the bad side of his own cancer issues. Seems he is doing better than my parents have heard. I'm not sure when they will return from their visit. Could be a couple of weeks.

Now for the more important news that is relevant to the title of this post. I misinterpreted a bit of the exchanges between my room mate through the text messages we had been sending back and forth.

He is indeed selling the house but there is not an urgency to it that I was picking up through his texts. He also does not aim to run me off in any fashion and wants to make this move as fluid and painless as possible for the both of us. So I don't need to move out in a hurry or anything like that.

I am glad my room mate and I were able to have a sit and talk over what the plan is for a moment while he's in town. It really cleared things up and took a load off my back. I suppose I was all too ready to accept the worst after my last move went so sideways.

Thank you everyone who offered assistance and kind words. I am glad that my situation isn't as dire as I had feared!



That's awesome dude!


Thats great man, I'm glad everything is working out better for you, and continues to go like this!