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Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that has either reached out to me to check if I'm ok, or left a kind comment on my last update post. The past few days haven't been great, and as you can imagine I'm not in the best head space right now. I have however recently been informed & received screenshots of certain goings on & gossip/posts regarding me. I can only guess it may well be the same people who left me abuse/threats. It has really made me see the sims community in a totally different light, I don't even know who to trust anymore. I have read some truly horrible & untrue things said about me, and instead of people reaching out to me to clarify certain things, they decide to make false accusations, slate me & tear me to shreds / make tumblr posts about me & mass leak all my content on pirate pages (including all (over 179 files) of my cc that is already free/free from previous early access).  

I am in two minds whether to address the full situation or not, a part of me wants to clear my name and provide the 'receipts' so to speak, even though people should always reach out to me first... but then the other part of me just wants to completely quit & be done with the drama and lies within the sims community. It should be a game, something we enjoy, play to escape the real world and express our creativity, not a horrible toxic place filled with drama, gossip & lies.

- SIDE NOTE for the 'lurkers': I was sent the hair by someone on tumblr & have the receipts (which many others have seen.) The person that sent it claimed they got it off a facebook group. Obviously I don't know if this is true or not, or if they did it on purpose.


So this morning I woke up to a bunch of hateful/abusive messages & death threats on my tumblr. I don't know what's caused this sudden influx of threats towards me, or who these were off as their pages were blank / anon. I have always kept to myself, avoided drama & been friendly to everyone within the sims community.
The messages I received were disturbing to say the least & were reported / blocked straight away. If someone has a problem with me they should message me directly off anon, instead of hounding me with threats / saying I should die (to put it lightly).
No one deserves to be treated like this.

For this reason I am going to be taking a break.
My other half will be be replying to the majority of DM's on my behalf.
I will aim to get the rest of this months content up as promised, but it probably won't be until next week.

I hope you guys understand.

Stay safe, be kind xo.



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