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And with this 2023 comes to a close.

I am so glad I was able to get one more drawing out before the end of the year. Ram is a character that I have wanted to draw for a while, years in fact, but like with many things, you just never have the time...

However! When someone requested that I draw her in the 15k follower sketch requests, I knew it was my time to draw her, and I am glad I did. And Ram will not be the only one I finish from those requests! Expect to see many more to be finished just like Ram here.

But with that, I bid 2023 farewell, and look forward to 2024 being an even better year full of even more drawings!

Thank you all for being here, I couldn't do this without you.




thank you and happy New Year 💚💚💚


So sexy 😍😍 happy new year rocky