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Did you know Rukia is my favorite character? Yes, it's true! I got into manga because of Bleach, and Rukia was one reason for that. She quickly became my first waifu and has remained at the top uncontested for many years now and I don't see her ever losing that spot.

I used to draw her a lot back when I first started drawing, but once the manga ended, I didn't draw her as much as I feel like I should have. I also tend to not draw characters I really love because I want to do my best with them, and of course, I never feel like I am at my best "yet". I am learning to not worry about that and just draw them, this Rukia is proof of that! 




Giving somo love to Rukia oh yes 🥺❤️❤️Yeah I kinda notice that Rukia is your favorite character :D, for my is mi top 2 of bleach, I understand what u say about not drawing ur fav characters until u get better, but that was the same toughs I had, and i ended up drawing nothing, in my opinion u better draw them and follow the path to the top with them


Rukia is love! Glad you like her too. :) You're totally right! If you want to draw them better, you need to draw them a lot!

