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Hello! I've been slow on updates again but I'm pleased to say things are moving!

Firstly- As you might seen on Twitter on on the last cubane video, I have finished the thesis writing (finally!) so
My hope for this year was to have the thesis out the way so I could focus more on videos in my spare time, both in terms of actual time but also in terms of sort of... mental bandwidth? I'm not good at thinking about completely different topics and switching between them. It's a bit of a shame to only reach this point by July... but from what i've heard the future is a long time so we'll end up making up for any time lost (and least you have to look at it that way or else!).

Secondly- Yes a new main channel video is in the works. It in unfortunately not a huge big multi-year project, but I'm trying not to let that stop me from making a damn video. Its a short follow up to the last video where we were unable to set titanium on fire. A lot of people suggested trying an oxy-acetlyene torch and... well yeah it is definitely hot enough to cut through titanium. The sparks once again make for some beautiful high-speed footage. The oxy cutting torch is a scary instrument I must say!
(a side tangent: this is a great example of how you funding the Patreon here for the main channel helps out Extractions&ire. The oxyacetlyene kit was $400 or so + the cost for cylinders etc so I wouldn't have bought it without the patreon support. But buying it for this Ex&Fire video doesn't mean it is limited to just that- and I already used it to help in the Ex&ire Lithium Niobate video. And this is how I intend and always intended the patreon to run. It allows expensive equipment + camera gear to be bought that benefits both channels).

Thirdly- I've mentioned Open Sauce (mid July, San Francisco) a lot because I am very excited to be part of a convention... and a really fun one at that! It seems like general admission tickets have sold out, but I might see some of you there? Don't ask me what is exactly happening, as I have no idea really, mostly winging it obviously, but that'll be great.

Lastly- I've been vaguely mentioning new merch for a while now, and it's also nearly here. I'll make sure it launches here on Patreon with a discount code for you all first! I've been wanting to do it more old-school and ship a lot of parcels myself, but honestly it is just not going to work as I am geographically nowhere near most of you, and the amount of travel the packages would have to do is both economically and ethically nonsensical. So setting up other places that ships you the merch is the much more modern way. So it'll all come together. There is a cube shirt and it is rad.

Alright, that's all for the moment. Thanks as always for being here!!





See you at Open Sauce, hopefully. A buddy of mine has a booth there that I'm helping to man.


I love your transparency, Tom. You’re my favorite content creator, bar none. Also, congrats on your thesis! Can’t wait to see what the future holds. 😁