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Hi all! Hope you're doing well! Things are good for me, really enjoying my internship. Missing making videos though, and it looks like I'll be on track to start posting on Extract&Ire around early June. Does that mean I'll have finished my thesis by then?? Absolutely not. But at least the internship will be done. No idea when an Ex&Fire will be done. Lots of ideas but I haven't really started much yet. 

Big updates about the filming equipment though! I'm now filming with a Sony A7III, which is really nice. It does 4K! Also, got some different lenses for it, so can get some cool + nice shots with it. Also, just upgraded the microphone. Decided (as many of you agreed with) that I do like having the handheld mic, so I bought a pre-amp adapter which lets me connect the new mic to the camera directly. This means I don't have to mess around recording to a separate laptop and syncing clips together, while still being decent audio, so it'll be easier for me to do this when filming even second channel videos (previously it wasn't worth the hassle).

Here's a small clip I exported to see how it looks on Youtube. Colours are a bit... much. Need to learn to colour-grade better. But looking promising! A hint at a future Extractions&Ire project too!! 

Thanks for hanging in there! New videos one day yes - Tom


Video/Sound Test - No Context Clip

testing out uploading 4k to Youtube. Probably wont upload in 4k, but seeing if youtube handles it well and if it adjusts colours or sound at all. Sharing with Patreons too! Woo updates yay





I could try to dig it up, but I am under the impression that you make the music for these, right? If so, great job. Love that nice groove when you're opening the batteries. That kind of scene is a common theme in your videos, time lapse + music, and it's _really nice_ haha. Edit: I see the youtube comment! Regardless, it's a great choice and the video style it makes is excellent!