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I've been working for quite a while on the explosive antimony project. The idea is that antimony forms an explosive allotrope, which if hit or heated suddenly forms the stable antimony, giving off a snap sound and usually cracking the (non) metal.

Hardly a super explosive, it's interesting because there's no good videos anywhere of it happening (despite quite a few mentions in the literature).

Despite many attempts, I've only got it working once. Off camera. I've been trying and trying to get it work.... but now I'm ready to pass on the project for now. Decontaminate the glassware from the Sb, start a new project.

That new project is going to be on: Napalm.

There's lots of videos on people making 'Napalm'. But authentic Napalm, just like grandma used to make?? Nope. There's two types, and I'm going to be making them both and comparing them.

That'll be a medium project, so to make room I'm going to downgrade the 'food nitration' video to a Short project by dropping my desire to build a huge vacuum dessicator. Truth is, too much food will just turn into nitroglycerin. So I'll expand the project to other things than food, and use it to discuss nitration.

So projects are:

Short: Nitration of Things
Medium: Napalm
Long: ??

Also, I have bought a Liquid Nitrogen dewar!! 10L, it'll be here kinda soon, so the next video might actually be on Liquid Oxygen/Ozone. Not really a project, but we shall see what we can do....



Perhaps you could do some explosive coordination chemistry with those tetrazoles you “just have laying around” x3 Oliver would be very happy to see you working with cobalt (It’d also allow you to expand that large synth route you mapped out for the C2N14)


There will be more tetrazole videos in future! For sure. Think I don't have much 5-ATZ left though, so we may have to start from scratch again, but hey, I am getting better at this tetrazole synth!


After your twitter post the other day, you could always have a crack at synthesizing some bis(1,2,4-oxadiazole)bis(methylene) dinitrate (BOM) as a long term project. See if it as simple and safe to synthesize as the article suggested.


that's actually a cool idea. I know its a secondary and I don't really do secondaries, but its a cool synthetic target