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I had lots of arousing and insecure thoughts last week so I like studied and thought carefully about the feeling of overwhelming horny. Also it is very nice to fill up a space with things you like.

I hope you're having a very nice week happy Thursday. I learned that link has a super cute cheerleader outfit and it reminded me of this page where the artist has drawn lots of link and it is very super cute and good and also nice. 

also someone shared this with me and I felt like sharing it too because I think it is a very quaint video also ashley from wario ware is super cute and gachi roll are so super silly.

thank you very much for the feedback on these uploads and for reading/responding to my random nonsense and stuff xoxoxo




Love the calmness of the baloney pic, I might set it as my wallpaper.


The title of this Post was very cute =]


I've also noticed like a chalky style to some of your drawings as of late (like picture 1 with the red girl) It's really unique, and I like it a lot. I feel like that style hides details, but I feel like I can still see a lot of effort being made going into some finer details, its a very interesting balance. Also, picture number 3 .... DAYUM what a booty!