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So yeah, I may have a big account on IG but I'm so shadowbanned, it's feeling more and more unfair for each time I post and no one sees my posts :(

Social Media hell is real, I already have a second account on twitter that reaches 20x more than my main twitter with 150k followers less..

Girls with Instagram accounts with 1M followers reach 400k people per month and with their little new 50k followers accounts, get 2-4M reach.

It's insane and I'm tired of it, so here I come to start from zero again

I didn't want to come across as ranting so much but at least I want you to know why I'm doing it and that it's not for nothing in the end

Big thanks for reading my rambling!




Glad the Zucc is out here with his weird standards shadow banning you from people who sign up for your content. Facebook is such a bad company.


Keep going on


A little while ago (I think about two weeks it was) Instagram basically stopped working for me. I see almost no new posts anymore. By anyone. Including accounts that never went anywhere near erotic content. Like an official Ubisoft account that I follow for example. It's as if everyone got shadowbanned all at the same time.



Natii F

So sexy