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I did not want to talk too early about it but I'm going to be honest here and go straight to the point

The biopsy results are not good

I have breast cancer

I'm still processing the info, I don't know yet what's gonna happen in terms of treatments except I will be operated for sure

I think this may impact the content delivery, however I'm working 2 weeks in Thailand right now like mad to shoot a ton I'm advance

I can't get an appointment at the oncologist before the 12th march anyways so it's good I'm leaving in the meantime and not sit down at home doing nothing



I'm so sorry to hear that! All my best wishes!!


I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish you the best and will keep you in my thoughts. You're the best and I don't have enough words of encouragement to give you. Amazing Wonderful Fantastic Strong Inspiring


I will pray for you and for everithing go well

Afro (Joshua Torres)

I hope everything goes well and I pray for best recovery that you can.

Mark C

Wishing you a simply treatment plan and a speedy recovery. Wishing you lots of support.


My heart is with you. I can't even begin to imagine processing this news.


I really hope you can get through this Miko, all my good wishes to you. all my good wishes to you

Drew Crazy

OMG!!! I’m so sorry to hear that!! I hope everything goes well. I’ll be praying for you and you can beat this. Don’t let it win. Your not alone. We are all here for you. Take time off and focus on getting better. Your health is way more important

Von Hoefer

So sorry to hear that! Stay strong strong and take care of you firt. at least you know that it's there so you can fight it back. Hope you'll get a treatment quickly and surgical appointments as well.


😢 wishing for a safe and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I'm terribly sad to hear this Mikomi... I can only wish you the very best with the help of your medics. Follow their advice as much as you can (they will know much more than we will ever do). Take good care. I will keep you in my thoughts


Oh no... So sorry to hear this. I hope this was at least caught early enough that it can be taken care of. I know you said you want to get as much done as you can at the moment, but please take care of yourself.


So sorry. I hope treatment goes well. Praying for you here! ❤️


Wishing you nothing but the absolute best!


Omg sorry to hear that I wish you well


I´m very sad to hear that, but I wish you all the luck I can find and send it to you. My mother had it to and got better after her operation. I hope that all will go well for you and I think no one here would think bad about you if you stop the Patreon page. Your health is the most important part here. So again I wish you good luck and hope the treatment will go well.


I’m really sorry to hear that. I wish you the best of luck and I hope your treatment goes well.

Machin Chose

Damn. Tough one. Rainbows and other magical stuff to help. And by the way, don't hesitate to ask if your case can be treated by proton therapy. It's really efficient at sparing healthy tissues around the tumor. Highly practical given the area. Sadly not known enough by many practicians as it is. quite "recent" (close to one century old but still marginal)


Im sorry to hear that. Wish you, that the treatment will help soon and that you get a good recovery.


I’m so sorry to hear this! I hope you’re taking care of yourself and that treatment goes well! Xx


Pour as much or little energy as you want into the things you can control, deal with what we can't control as best you can. Maybe feel emboldened by your youth, there can be some power in that when navigating a health hurdle. Take care, you're fantastic.


Damn, that's rough. Wishing you well.


Sorry, that is some miserable news :(


I'm sorry your going through this but I'll be praying for a safe recovery for you


I hope everything goes well and wish you the best in your recovery


May God bless you and recover soon, we will pray for you.


Keeping you in my thoughts. I've had a few women in my family go through this and I know each case is different, but medical tech has advanced well enough today where they have a lot of tools and treatments to effectively fight this kind of cancer. My grandmother for one had breast cancer a few decades ago, went through the recommended treatments, and to this day she's stayed in remission. Be sure to take the time you need while you're going through this for both your physical and mental health, I'm sure your patrons and fans will understand, and for the ones that don't, well they're likely people that's not worth your time anyways.


Get Well Soon Miko <3 Your Beauty Will Never Fade!


3 years ago i got testicular cancer, and I know there is nothing anybody can say to comfort you and make you feel better. Get well soon, your in my thaughts and prayers.


How did that go for you in terms of treatments if it's not too personal to ask? We can also talk about it in DMs I'm a bit at loss regarding what's gonna happen to me tbh


I´ll send you in DM

Edwin Cordero

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...


Damn that's bad news. I lost both my mom and stepmom to cancer. But then again I also know people who did beat cancer and returned to normal life. Wish you the best of luck!


I wish the best for you miko. We are all paying for you and a healthy recovery!! I know you got this girl.

West Nile

Nothing but the best of thoughts and wishes to you!

Domi Schell

OMG, these are awful news 😱 You can eat lots of broccoli in the meantime (no kidding, there is scientifical evidence, see for example https://foodforbreastcancer.com/foods/broccoli & https://nutritionfacts.org/video/breast-cancer-survival-vegetable/). I wish you all the best!!!


Hey Mikomi, I hope you will recover from it, hugs to you! Don't lose positive energy!