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Long story short is in the pic

I'm devastated

I don't know what I'm gonna do

I'm trying to find solutions right now but the damages are estimated to 40-50k. I don't have the exact amount yet as they're doing quotes for me at the moment

I will have no heater/warm water/bathroom for god knows how long. I guess it's time to think about where to live for an unknown duration?

I'm just hopeless and the fact it falls on the month I don't do any content and try to take holidays is hitting rough as I definitely earn less during such a month of break.

This was supposed to be holidays

Life is rough guys, don't ever take stuff for granted, it can always go worse

Anyways, thank you for all being here, you guys keep me up because I'm going to struggle for a while

Content for October and November is already shot so only the editing is left to do fortunately. At least something good right there

Stay awesome




Oh shit, any family you could stay with?


Not sure where you live but look into Government assistance, as well did you have insurance through the bank? Perhaps even go talk to a lawyer to find out what all your options are.


Damn that's rough. I upped my pledge to at least help a little.

Chris Poindexter

Oh my goodness I can cry for you this is awful news, I’m so sorry this happened(( I’m glad it was found to be fixed for your safety but still this is an awful thing to find out. Wishing the best for you!


I'm sorry to hear that. I'll send what I can. It may not be much, but it's for a good cause.