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Hey everyone!

It's time for me to introduce to you some of the changes that will occur in February.  

For those who don't want to read how and why, here's a TL:DR;  

- Tier 15$ and 25$ are merging into tier 20$. 

- 5 sets per month instead of 7. 

- Content overall gets cheaper (no more set at tier 65$, lewdest is at 50$ now! Lewd sets start at 20$ instead of 25$!) 

- More pics per set. 

- More work and thoughts per set. Meaning there will be a comeback of bloopers and feet content. - HD videos are planned for all the sets starting April! And meanwhile, some sets will already have HD videos.



Starting from February there is a new Tier system:

- Tier 5 $ (SFW)

- Tier10 $ (SFW)

- Tier 20 $ (NSFW)

- Tier 35 $ (NSFW)

- Tier 50$ (NSFW)

So Basically:

- there are 5 new sets per month instead of 7

- Tier 15 $ and 25$ are merging into a new tier: 20$.


- Content overall gets cheaper (no more new set at tier 65$ but the lewdest is at 50$ now! And Lewd sets start at 20$ instead of 25$!)

- More pics per set. (Up from 20->25 for SFW and 25->30 for NSFW)

- More work and thoughts per set. Meaning there will be a comeback of bloopers and feet content.

- HD videos are planned for all the sets starting April! And meanwhile, some sets will already have HD videos.


So, for those who have the patience to read it all;

There are a lot of factors that have brought me to make these changes.

Mainly, I wanted my Patreon and Onlyfans to compete less. Meaning creating tier 20$. This tier will replace tier 15 and 25 into a lewd tier.

My Onlyfans subscription was upped to 19.99$ to match this. People will be able to choose which kind of lewd content they want, and they will receive about the same amount regardless of the platform.

Now into why I'm reducing sets from 7 to 5 per month. Handling two platforms fulltime is, obviously double the work. And I want to be able to deliver quality that isn't rushed, while also being able to deliver on Onlyfans.

2020 has shown me that Onlyfans is a platform that requires a lot of attention as well, and it doubled the time needed to execute the work compared to having just Patreon (I hired a photographer full time to work on my Patreon content and a manager to deliver it but Onlyfans has no one but me working on it).

If people are going to spend the same amounts of money, I have to be consistent and produce equally.

Thus,  on Patreon there will be 5 new HD sets on every month (including the usual selfies/gifs/clips). And on OnlyFans there will be 2 to 3 phone sets on Onlyfans, plus  4 to 6 PPV (Pay per view) messages that are additional content and optional costs.

So, to recap, from February on, these are the tiers that include new HD photosets on Patreon:

- Tier 5$ (SFW)

- Tier 10$ (SFW)

- Tier 20$ (NSFW)

- Tier 35$ (NSFW)

- Tier 50$ (NSFW)

With the exception of:

- Tier 65$ (No new set but + One entire past month's content) => This is the Catch up tier with best value price/amount of content.

And as usual the degree of lewdness as usual rises with the tiers.

This means that the set on tier 65$ is now moved to tier 50$, and one SFW set is removed (the tier 15) because casual content is more moved to Onlyfans and I also more rarely have content for such a tier on Patreon.

I hope you understand why I'm making those changes now, and that they make sense.
I've got a lot of feedback from a lot of people and regarding the amount of work I have, this is the conclusions we've come through with my team to help me perform better.

Thank you so much everyone for being here, you all contribute to making my dream keep on going and that means a ton to me :)

Stay awesome!

- Miko


Mark C

Seems a sound plan. I hope it helps with more ppl coming here to enjoy the more stylised works.


I like this plan :)