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Heya everyone!

You may have noticed that this month, rewards came a tiny bit late (2 days, oof!), and that's because Gabanvi was working on some nice landing page for your rewards to be organized!

Patreon does not offer any kind of user friendly experience and with this, we want you to feel like things are clear, and easier to download.

Please let me know what you think of it, ANY feedback is VERY important to us!

User experience and comfort is key in my opinion for you to feel like it's nice and cool here, I'm sad Patreon cannot offer that experience so we're finding way around to make it happen.

Peace! ♥



It's definitely an upgrade from the message in means of organization! It's a lot of clicking however to get to the downloads for each set. IDK what you could do to improve that right now seeing as wetransfer requires a lot of overhead and clicking. I understand why you are hiding the buttons for all the tier rewards but I wouldn't mind just seeing all the buttons from the moment the page opens.

Lia Ramsay

cool sets thx


Thanks to your hard works for improvements. It shows you taking care of your Patreons, thanks to you both.


It looks definetly looks way more organised and has a better overview. Great work. But there is one thing which still exist. You still have to click for every single set. Wouldnt it be possible that instead of listening up every single folder like "HD, Selfies, GIFS and Clips" just one folder with includes all of the four together. So that for the "Not your usual secretary" intead of four only one Button would exist which would download all 4 folder together. I know there is still the option for mega but somehow i cant download all of the files together and always have to wait between each folder...