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I know I'm late, but I swear it's coming xD

Have some Cali already!




We can wait just don't push yourselves to hard


No problem Miko, take your time! It always worth the wait. You give us the best quality ♥

Alex Ramos

Lol Cali to me is California so i was just like "what is she doing out there" xD


Hyyyype! :D


Don’t worry. After being your follower for a couple of days I can see how much of a hard working woman you are. Day in and day out you are preparing material, posting, planning future sessions, selecting your photographers, choosing locations, getting in touch for collaborations, and so much more. I feel like I could be working harder on my personal projects myself. You are inspiring, your cosplays are top notch and your photography material is really pleasing. Thank you so much for all your hard work Mikomi!!