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Heya people! 

Just to keep you in touch on how it's going on so far with July's rewards :)

I've been prioritising a bit my friends those past two days and I'm a tiny bit late on my sets, working overnight to catch back on the edits!

Know that I'll try to release it all on the 7th, might be on the 8th, I'm giving it all! 

I also had to work out with my lawyer lately with some people illegally using my pictures, and I'm sueing them. I can't let myself be disrespected like that when I work my ass off like that. Shoots, edits, outfits, even the ero stuff, takes a while to put together. Not to mention i'm trying to answer the dozens of messages I'm getting everyday asap on Patreon.

I find it unbelievable that people would try to hurt me, while actually pledging and pretending they're interested in what I do. I don't know what I did to disrespect them. 

In any case, have a little Asuna preview for tonight, I'll be posting some more soon!

~ ♥




No worries on the delay. Sorry to hear you've been having so many issues with people but I'm sad to say I'm not surprised. So many people think they can get away with acting any way they want when it's on the internet because they think they are anonymous.


Who's stealing your photos?


No rush Miko. Here's hoping that life will be easier for you after the lawyer! Also, I think it's important to see friends. Especially if you work online. Feels great to actually talk to people irl!


As always, no worry on the timeline. And as above.. really sad to hear people freely distributing, but can understand the desire due to quality of the work. *sighs* Internet always has that side to it. Wish you best of luck in that proceeding. Most important thing is to keep staying awesome.


It is very disappointing that people try to take advantage of you, but sadly there are always people who do not value work. No problem take your time to do your job, I'm new but I really hope to support you :)

Just Plain Joe

Take your time Miko, your sets are always worth the wait. And it's sad that people can get away from profitng off your work because they think the internet gives them anonymity. Hope they get what's coming to them. Still, keep being awesome and take good care of yourself! :)


Sometimes you gotta take the time to take care of you, Miko. We're all here for you and more than willing to wait a bit if it means keeping your sanity :P Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the roses, you know?