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Stay true to yourself, don't play a role. Don't wear a mask, be whoever you are and you'll be surrounded by people that actually appreciate you for real.

Everyone else is irrelevant

I'm not perfect, but I'm me.

A lot of people find me arrogant, mean, harsh, call it how you want.

I'm true with people. I say what I think.

I'm not some internet persona

I'm not here to be kind, gentle to everyone, in all conditions

I'm not going to let myself be insulted just because I fear people will be offended at how I react.

I'm here to share what I love

I'm me.

And nobody will take that from me. sad today, but I feel like sharing some words

Stay true to yourself, don't play a role. Don't wear a mask, be whoever you are and you'll be surrounded by people that actually appreciate you for real.

Everyone else is irrelevant

I'm not perfect, but I'm me.

A lot of people find me arrogant, mean, harsh, call it how you want.

I'm true with people. I say what I think.

I'm not some internet persona

I'm not here to be kind, gentle to everyone, in all conditions

I'm not going to let myself be insulted just because I fear people will be offended at how I react.

I'm here to share what I love

I'm me.

And nobody will take that from me.




And if i may say...u roox! :3


We love you


You rock on what you do it that same personality so keep it up and I hope that you cheer up we love you just like you are ❤️😘


Thank you for cheering me a bit, I honestly feel like I just can't be myself without people blaming me for it, and it's just a pain, people tend to forget I'm still a human being, just like everyone else


You are perfect in your own way. Don't let anyone try to tell you different. If people be attacking you that's means they are jealous of who you are as a person


Thanks for sharing this Miko. Really could of used this today! I'm sure I'm not the only one. You're an inspiration to many people with what you do. Show everyone to try and live every day to the fullest no matter what! We're all here because of you, for you as well :]


What u all said is true I find it very heart warming I appreciate everything you do 👍

Pablo Rivera Hopkins

Thank you for sharing this, Mikomi. Very cute photos of yourself.

Jim Geary

Well said, and an important reminder for anyone on the Internet these days.


As long as you stay true to yourself and keep it real it dosent matter what others think. Some people need that rude awakening of someone giving them an attitude.


The universe is a crazy place. The only constant is ourselves, if we are not true to ourselves then what we even are. Keep on going strong Miko, much love.


I would like to apply this knowledge but I'm fear and nervous of what people can say u.u Is great to hear that you are free of those fears


You’re a human soul... which means you have an truly incalculable value. That also means you’re worth dying for.


You always have people that love and support you Miko-Chan, never forget luv 😉


Dear Mikomi, I think/hope I speak for many of us here when I say we love you for who you are! We’ve been with you for a while, we’ve seen & shared your ups and downs, we know how genuine and dedicated and committed you are. And we love you for it. If people are giving you $hit, then that’s their problem/bad karma, not yours! Judge yourself by your actions and standards not theirs. We know you much time and effort and love you put into what you do and how much you care about it and us, and we love you for that. That’s why you’ve got so many followers and supporters. Out here in internet land, we’re not quite so dumb as the media should have folks believe. We can tell the difference between the genuine people and the... rest. We see how much time and care and effort and skill you put into your work, and we see how beautiful the results are, how beautiful you are. So, if you don’t mind me saying, f##k them! You are you, we love you for it, and wouldn’t want you any other way. Peace & love, All your fans. xxx


Emotional states such as sadness or happiness are temporary. By being true to your self you reach something much more valuable and endurable, peace in your heart and mind.


vayaaaaa 😯😯😯😯 que sexy

Olga Anne

Hot 🔥🔥🔥


Just do what you love and slowly filter out the people that don't appreciate it :)


Be yourself that make you are you not anyone 😁

Scott nutting

truer words can't be found. I hope your mood improves.


Thank you for sharing what you love with us