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Mine isn't really one in particular, it's during each of my mom's birthday.

I would have worked as much as I could to pay her a week end travel together

I could see the happiness on her face and it made it always worth it.

~ ♥




The best memory that I have When I meet my girlfriend uwu It was during a technology event, she was sleepy and so tired, that's why I get closer and borrow she my blanket so she can sleep, both start talking about anime then in less than one second she fall asleep on me :3 You don't know how much I love she uwu


How did you fit in that furniture? XD ... let me think about my happiest memory, not sure about it.


You are a good human, Mikomi.

Jim Geary

That's a great post! My favorite memory would have to be getting my first paper published in graduate school.


wow so hot!