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Hey guys!

Long read ahead, fasten your seatbelt!

So, I've been working a lot, as usual, and I'm proud to announce that with the funds we raised here, I can go to the DOKOMI! As well as the Comicon London next week!!

I've been working a lot on my Albedo cosplay as well, I'll post some progress photos right after this post.

The wings are what's taking me most of my time, there is more than 400 handcut feathers in there. It's hard to prime, hard to assemble, and hard to make it fit on such a tiny wooden board.

But I hope I'll make it through, because then the result will be awesome! ♥

That said, Albedo will have a custom lingerie version (Similiar to the Touka lingerie!), white and gold, fitting the character as good as I can. I don't know yet how I'll custom it, I will start to work on it when I'm back from Dokomi.

Second cosplay of the month: Scathatch from Fate Grand Order.

I really got this idea out of the blue and I really like the design. There will be a lingerie version as well, which will be The same outfit, without the purple Zentai and the shoulders. I'll also remove the skirt for a maximum booty appearance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm also crafting the spear for Scathatch, which will be pretty cool! Eheh

Overall this month has a lot of craft and convention.

I also wanted to mention that next month I'll be working on my A2 cosplay - remastered. I want to do a decent shoot as I never got to do it last year. I'll pick a nice industrial location and work my way on it, with beastlord AND the Type 4O-Sword that I will craft early June.

I'll redo a lingerie version that's a bit more elaborated, and I hope you guys will like it too!

i'm also hyped since the renovations on my house will finally be starting. I had to wait a month that the workers are finally free. It was worth the wait tho, they work for cheap and are reputated in the region to do great work!

I think that's all, for the fansigns, it's coming along, I don't have much time, but I don't forget!

Prints should arrive shortly for the tier 50+ that wanted mail!

Thank you for your support everyone ♥

~ MIko




every miko, the main thing is you ♥


Can't wait to see you at DoKomi! :D


All miko is great miko :D

Vex (Mark) Vocalord

I agree. I like all Miko. (though I'm not one of the "feet" guys - never could understand that..um... interest)


Les deux <3


That all sounds amazing Miko. As I always say, you do so much work and provide an unrivaled amount of content for us. I honestly can't believe the sizes of the files when you send it out. Your hard work is so admirable and as always I appreciate the effort you put in greatly. I cannot wait for all of these cosplays to come. I enjoy your cosplay for the art and sexiness obviously, but of course casual Miko is a unique individual who is amazing. Thank you for everything Miko. I hope all is well and everything with the home renovation goes well!


I could never choose between two forms of perfection 😍❤️


Anything will work begger cant be picky


I like both, sometimes I don't know the characters you cosplay, but that's made up with your casual sets. Keep doing what you're doing, as long as it's stress free and you enjoy it :)

Andrew Kranak

Since all of your photos are great, I like all of them. The cosplay sets are probably a little more fun, but your casual photos look just as good.

Pattie Cosplay

I think it’s best to do what makes you happy😄 I think it’s more meaningful and the results are more beautiful when you’re doing what you love💕


Your cosplays are awesome and you are a beautiful model. I will look at either. Post as your will and happiness dictates.


Your cosplay are so very good but casual miko is so cute too


After all the anime that you made you look like, Casual Miko is the BEST


casual miko <3 forever