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The moving in is going pretty ok except the fact the workers still didn't start working on the bathroom... The bedroom is a mess but at least the garages and living room are now kind of clear! I will probably have some hard time in the month to come but I'm sure I can do this, I'm just a bit sick lately and it doesn't feel great :(




hey honey, take all the time u needand get a good cure


Being sick is never fun. But like I said, all the hard work and time you guys put into this is going to give the most rewarding feeling after it's all done. Thanks for the posts while you're so busy Miko, I really appreciate it.


Hope the bathroom issue gets fixed soon lol Thanks for keeping us updated 🤗


Make the house your HOME ;)


I’m glad to hear the move is going ok and I hope you feel better soon Miko ❤️


So bad, I hope you bathtroom is ready as soon