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Hey everyone

Since Patreon answered me and basically told me to deal with it with the Upfront system they put on my Patreon page without telling me, I have no other choice than to adapt to it the best I can

So from now on, I will have to give November rewards to anyone paying in December, December rewards to anyone paying in January, January rewards to anyone paying in February, etc.

It applies only to new patrons but it's quite a pain for me still. 

I will have to do an intro video about it since people don't really know how it works and Patreon made it even more complicated since it works almost idfferently on every Patreon page ever. 

I find it extremely dumb but since they wont change it and I have no choice, well, that's how it is. I will do a video about it soon enough to make it clear enough!

I'm sorry for all the inconvenients. It changes nothing for people already pledging right now!




Mikomi did you already send out this month's set?


Thanks Mikomi. You're the best. <3