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Heya everyone, 

I have a little announcement to make.

 You may know it or not, my mom is very sick. It's her 6th cancer and all the treatments have failed. 

I'm in Germany to see my husband, but I will go back to Belgium as fast as possible to be with her for her last moments, as she's at death's door. 

I will do my best to deliver the rewards in time this month, even if the situation is an emotional mess. 

I hope you all understand, and thank you for being here, you're all contributing to me make me closer from my dream and for that, I will never be thankful enough, 




I can't speak for anyone else, but I say take all the time you need. Rewards are cool and all, but family should always be first. I wish you and your mother the best.


Ganbare!!! Wish the best for you☆


I had the same thought as Jon when I read this. You don't need any extra stress in your life, so please take things at your own speed. I'm sure pretty much everyone else is on the same page as Jon and I. Best wishes from Me.