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I recently revisited last year's gomens AUs and I would LOVE to do some more!
Hit me with funny AU ideas for GOMENS, MERTHUR or NIXE  :D
(from "meet cute as office workers - Merthur" to "ineffable husbands as teachers" - my fingers are itching  - and since HSAU is almost over, I just feel like drawing some random stuff for a change :D)




Circus Gomens? Az is strong man/traditional magician. Crowley is contortionist or modern circus of horrors style magician all flash and leather

Enitna Aezara

MIB AU ? Crowley and Aziraphale coming from 2 differents alien species, they are stationned on earth by their side since several centuries to prepare the invasion. Newt is a new guy in the MIB because he discovered aliens' existence by accident. He's trained by Shadwell. Tracy and Anathema are another team of WIB.