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I told you there would be one more XD




I have not been here for a while, and I can only say that I am very much in love with how you drew the fairy version of Crowley and Beelz <3 Thank you very much for drawing my idea, it is beautiful like all your art <3

Ta Moè's Art

I'm glad you like them <3 don't worry, I'm very inactive in general these days too ._. (except that I upload on here XD if a little less)


awwww, I fell in love with you fairy Beelz yesterday and I'm still very much not over them, such a beautiful design! and their emotional face is just *chef's kiss* ❤️ and I do so love how *far* Crowley is from them shouting 😅 on some other *I'm head over heels for him* level of reality, precious thing ❤️

Ta Moè's Art

thank you so much! I'm really happy you liked te designs <3 haha, yeah, it won't take long before Crowley approaching Aziraphale XD