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Just don't be alarmed if posts go missing XD

I will delete most of them (mainly the older ones) and retag/reupload them so I can have a better and nicer order!

AFTERWARDS - since it's my patreon's FIRST ANNIVERSARY I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! There will be a special comic just for you lovely peep for sticking around <3 



And I basically only changed a few tags and deleted a few posts just to upload them in a bundle again :) 

feel free to browse the tags! (I'm pretty sure they are still not perfect, I will look through them during this week)

also: there will be a slight change in the TOP TIER REWARD - I will exchange the drawing for your birthday reward with a special-day-greeting instead - there will be postcards/art requests and such, I'm just so busy and to keep track of people's birthday is already hard for me irl >.<° (I'm REALLY bad with dates - oops)