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only one page because I'm super busy >.<

and if I wasn't I was trying to figure out how my ipad works ^^° (I still dunno how to properly SAVE files... why is apple stuff so different ;___;)

thankfully I already scripted all of chapter 3 out and finished my homework last night(only took me 3 hours and getting around a lot of technical problems lol), so I hope I can finish a few more pages tonight :3 (but I have to go to bed at 9pm everyday from now on... school starts at 7am ^^°)

new nsfw-crimeomens will be up on monday as per usual :3 (already finished the next one XD since I'm having way too much fun drawing that XD)




and ghosts! this story surprises me every time 💙

Ta Moè's Art

Thank you ❤️ I'm glad I can still surprise you xD ☺️ we'll soon be back to awkward flirting xD