중간보고 -1- (Patreon)
후원자님들 그 동안 잘 지내셨나요?
즐거운 주말 전날 입니다!
후원자님들께서 배려해주신 개인사를 처리함과
그림도 한번에 다 많은걸 보여드리려고 하다보니 제가 계획했던 보고날이
다소 늦어졌습니다 8-8..
중간보고 입니다!
아칼리의 분량은 40~50p+ 마법소녀 톡순은 8~10p 기타 8p로 예정되있습니다.(변동 시 재공지)
이전에 어떤 구도의 콘티를 사용할지 고민하여
급습으로 후원자님들께 1시간만 조사하였는데 ,
총 3개 중 1번=15 명, 2번= 3명 ,3번=18 명, 사실상 비등비등하여
그래서 그냥 둘 다 사용하기로 하였습니다..!
괜찮으셨으면 좋겠습니다..!
계속하여 보고 -2-로 돌아오겠습니다.
후원자님들 모두 즐거운 주말 보내시길 바랍니다!
(잡설=그리고 신챔 오로라가 나왔던데 저희 후원자님들은 안경을 유독 안좋아하셔서
호불호가 심해 그려볼까 하다가 망설이게 되더라구요! 그래도 한번 그려보게 될 것 같아요!)
(p.s작업 기간의 DM은 바로바로 답변을 드리지 못하고 주말에 체크하여 답변드리겠습니다, 양해 부탁드립니다!)
How have you been, sponsors?
It's the day before a fun weekend!
As I was trying to show a lot of things at once, the reporting day I had planned was not
It's a bit late 8-8..
This is an interim report!
The amount of Akali is scheduled to be 40~50p+, Magic Girl Talk Soon is 8~10p, and others are 8p. (Re-announcement in case of change)
Before, I thought about what type of storyboard I would use.
I'm sorry for not being able to show it to many sponsors, but
I had to start work right away, so I only spent an hour researching sponsors.
Out of a total of 3, number 1 = 15 people, number 2 = 3 people, number 3 = 18 people, virtually equal.
So I decided to just use both!
I hope you’re okay..!
I will continue to report and come back with -2-.
We hope all our sponsors have a great weekend!
(Miscellaneous = And the new champion Aurora came out, but our sponsors really don't like glasses.
I had so many likes and dislikes that I was considering drawing it, but ended up hesitating! Still, I think I'll give it a try!)
(p.s We will not be able to respond to DMs during the work period right away. We will check and respond on the weekend. Please understand!)