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Cold War.

Name: Caroline Ana'Nizhonii

Alias: Valkyrie (Eir), Number 16, and the Black Witch.

Age: 120 (Biologically), 19 (Physically)


- Likes to present herself as a consummate professional. She is very curious and likes to explore the world to see what she missed. She is very cocky due to her years of experience, and at times can turn very childish if something doesn’t go her way. But on the job, she goes straight for the kill.



  • Alteration, Destruction, Conjuration, Abjuration (Protection Magic), Restoration.
  • Copycat: Able to learn any magic skill by touching her opponent, but has to learn how to use it by constant practice,


Walther P38 (Durandal), and Colt Python (Lightening Sheet Arrow)

Martial arts:

  • Pankration, Boxing, Aikido, and Gun Fu.


- Concentration: All of Carol’s magic requires concentration to use. If her concentration breaks the spell cancels.

- Overstimulation: If something, such as vibration and sound is amped up enough Carol’s senses can be overloaded, causing her to black out.

- Shut down code: A code that can cause Carol to go into a total shut down mode (aka instantly black out.) That is given verbally, by the handler.


Carol was born to two unknown parents, a tavern worker and a passing adventurer. The tavern worker could not care for the child and she was given to the Odin Company, to give her daughter a better life as a trained mage.

But instead, she was trained as Mage Assassin, to be leased to the highest bitter and to be only loyal to the Odin Company and Mysterious Praetorian Guard Scorpions. Taught the arts of etiquette, poise, weapons training, hand-to-hand combat, and espionage. Only allowed to have occasional breaks during religious services, and some festivals.

During her training, she was taught to enjoy her work as an assassin, and given the numerical designation 16 and is activated for the first time in World War 1, successfully hunting and taking out her first target, Battle mage “Captain Ol’ Reiley”, a kill that she will always remember. And there will be many more kills to come.

Her most famous job was project Punch, in which number 16 was tasked to take out the soviet leadership one by one. With each leader not knowing what killed them, the Odin Company gave her the moniker, the “Black Witch”.

After her actions in the first ww1. She was put back to sleep and reawakened in the ww2 period where she worked against the Axis powers. Mainly targeting Military, political, and collaborator targets. Where she found her favorite weapon her p38 she dubbed Durandal, her constant companion for generations. After her duties, she was put back to sleep in that war and sent back to the Odin Company.

The American CIA acquired her contract and sent to department Cloud. She was utilized to destroy the enemies of the US and NATO. She took out targets behind the Iron Curtain, and at home. Using her to put fires and problems and put her back to cryostasis every time. This cycle repeated itself for a total of 23 years.

In 1973, she disappeared after killing a soviet portal scientist and a General. She had reached her limit and was later found at Wounded Knee, where she was recovered and asked why she disappeared.

She answered. “I’m tired. I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore.”

Understanding this they started to make arrangements to have number 16 brought back to the hegemony to recover but was forgotten in a CIA Basement.



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