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vamchan's hair accessories:

Yes, there really was a gap of about 8 months in which I did not make any hairstyles. Though, I did make some clothing during that time.

Anyway, it's good to have some hairstyles with ears exposed, since some (all?) of us like to make elf looks. This hairstyle uses the X clips from VamChan's hair accessories package, linked above.



Hi. Hair are awesome as almost always :) i want to ask about girl skin. its very detailed. could you share it ? (or point to author) :))


Forgive me if I missed this info elsewhere...but It seems you post a new item every Tuesday, correct? Is that 2 hairstyles and 2 clothing items a month? Just curious because I'm like a giddy kid coming each day to see if there was something new posted. lol


i just release whenever i can make time, and don't really keep track, so you probably know better than i do 😅. 4 or 5 releases per month seems about right for the past few months, at least. maybe just fantasy, but i could probably do that amount per week if i was doing this full time.