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Hey guys!

We've made some improvements since the Alpha build on the 12th and we're ready to share it with you!  It's still very early stage Beta, but we think it's ready enough for you to have some more fun in the customizer menu and to enjoy the upgraded graphics and some new fluid support!

We've been shifting our focus to upgrading the engine for Office Party!

We have fixed more of the stuff that the HDRP upgrade broke since the Alpha build, but there's still a bit left.  For example, you won't be able to play all the way through the Liz Katz content right now in this beta.  You won't be able to get past the laundry room scene.  We'll have that fixed soon, but it is not yet fixed in this beta build.

Character Customization:

One major change since our last post about character customization is that we changed the way color is applied to the characters' skin.  They will match truer to the color you choose now instead of being more of a tone or tint change.  If you had changed any characters' skin colors in the Alpha, you'll need to reapply color changes or they will look washed out.

Check out Derek in red with the new skin color system:

New Fluid System:
We're introducing a new fluid system in this beta build.

Characters will now get wet in the hot tub:

They will also sweat when running, having sex, fighting, and dancing.  And, the can end up with other fluids appearing when participating in certain sexual acts:

And now for the best part, get your House Party Beta build now!

CHANGE LOG (This will be updated with beta information soon):


*If you experience any issues downloading via your browser, right click below and select "Open in New Tab"*

House Party Beta 1.3.0 RC13 Windows 64 bit:





I was having a hell of a time getting the new customization features to actually take when starting the game. Poking around some of the files in the Customization directory, it looks like using the game to create the Customization files sometimes messes up capitalization when saving config files. It looks like the first file that gets created uses the user provided capitalization and then all subsequent saves use screaming case capitalization. Once I made a screaming case env saving to that seemed to work fine.


Changes does not apply unfortunately


We have a bug with the skin colors, when you also change the hair color, but we have a fix coming in a new release soon!