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Ready for the party to get spooky again, beta testers?

Yeah, well, you might be ready for it to get spooky in October, but not in the middle of the year, huh? Bet you didn't see that coming! Heh, gottem...

We're sorry we even said that. Anyway, if you haven't read the post about why it took us a while to get this permanent DLC ready (jeez, time has flown since October), we had to completely rebuild the limited-time events to become permanent (and, while we were at it, we added framework for a special new feature).

We've touched on this a bit in our posts before, and you can see the new feature in the picture above, so it might look a tad... familiar. As mentioned, we'll do a full deep-dive into this feature and what exactly is coming to the game in a future post!

For now, this is what the Halloween Holiday Pack Beta will look like:

It's pretty similar to what you're used to, except now you'll have a brand new, shiny "DLC Settings" button.

When you click it, you'll be able to toggle on/off the Halloween content at will!

(Older WIP Screenshot. I think our programmers plan to remove the Doja Cat and Liz Katz DLC buttons prior to the beta dropping, as they don't have any functionality.)

All other content in the Halloween Holiday Pack should be in-line with what you saw in the 2022 seasonal Halloween event!

But, like we mentioned, there's a framework for an exciting new feature beneath the surface and all of the event content was rebuilt from the ground up to exist in this DLC form that can support future changes.

When testing, please let us know if you run into anything unusual, particularly in the in-game menus or with any... clothing items. Oops, we've said too much!

Anyway, have fun partying with the Halloween costumes and decorations around again! We look forward to sharing the Winter Holiday Pack with you and bringing you more exciting news about the new stuff we're planning soon!

- Eek Team

P.S. Due to multiple requests, we will be uploading our new alpha and beta builds going forward to a different online storage system (Google Drive). This shouldn't impact anything you need to do to download or play the builds, but some of our users are experiencing faster download speeds thanks to this change!



*If you experience any issues downloading via your browser, right click below and select "Open in New Tab"*

House Party "The Halloween Holiday Pack" Beta 1.1.6 Windows 64 bit:

