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(Did you recognize our new guest's famous "Press Start" tattoo?)

Our next party guest's official identity and title reveal is right around the corner, but Patron-brahs get a special first look and a bit of extra insight on how we create the awesome guest characters you know and love!

(The initial model for our new guest! As mentioned, she wanted bigger boobs and butt dimples!)

So, what have we been working on all this time with the DLC? What does the House Party character creation process even look like? 

Well, whenever a new guest is coming to the party, we like to start out with getting together a general House Party-style body shape and aiming for the face to have a very close likeness to the arriving partygoer! 

That initial model (pictured above) gets shared with our real-life guest, we get their input, and then our artists make adjustments to the face and body based on their feedback before moving forward.

(Casual outfit concepts from the high-tier outfit poll. Thanks for letting us know #3 was your favorite, brahs!)

Once that's all set, we start concepting outfits. This is where our artists get to be a bit creative and draw inspiration from a mix of their imaginations and examples of clothes our guests like to typically wear in real life!

Once we have a hand-painted mockup of some different outfit variations, we take these to our new guest and get their thoughts again. 

Sometimes our guest falls in love with one of the concepts, sometimes our internal team does, and sometimes no favorite is chosen and we get to send out the concepts to you doods for your opinions! (Yeah, like the "casual outfit" poll we did!)

(An example of an internal outfit design decision!)

The picture above is an example of an internal outfit decision our team made. For the House Party - Murder Mystery Expansion Pack, it was a consensus between all teams that there should be a "detective"-style outfit, so the concept for this was pretty straightforward.

Our artists worked on creating the outfit straightaway, and we found that the left side example looked way too match-y. It was just too much plaid when the hat and corset both had the same pattern on it.

So, our artist tried to break it up a bit by swapping the skirt and shoulder pieces with a plain grey, but that felt a bit flat and the plaid distracted from our guest's face.

In the end, we landed on the third option, which felt just right:

(We hope you like the final version of the "detective" outfit! We'll be working on bringing the casual outfit you voted on to life soon, too!)

With the first outfit all set, our awesome new guest will introduce themselves to you officially later this March (and Alpha and Beta tier Patrons will meet her soon as we begin releasing initial builds and work through developing the story bit by bit).

We're also working on bringing the casual outfit that our high-tier Patrons voted for to life in-game soon. It doesn't look like it'll be ready in time for the first DLC alpha/beta cycle, but you'll definitely see it in future builds if you're in one of the alpha/beta tiers over the next few months!

Anyway, thanks for checking out our dev process. We hope you liked having an inside look at how things work behind the scenes at Eek! Games, and we're excited for you to meet the new guest!



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