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The female player's first look is here, doods!

Although we haven't prepared new Original Story content for her quite yet, you can now play as a female character! We've done a thorough first pass through the existing content and made a bunch of tone, pronoun, and wording tweaks to make you feel at home in the party as the female player! Unfortunately, we have not had the time to get voiced lines for much of this alternate content or fully convert all intimacy sequences, but bear with us! We’re working on it!

Controller support is also fully functional, and we added some general House Party polish and UI improvements to this update. You can play the game without any major hang-ups on all supported controllers and the Steam Deck. We still plan on adding some quality of life features and fixes in the future to fine-tune how everything feels, but, as it is now, it's completely playable.

If you're curious about the polish we added, some notable changes are that we adjusted the colors for most of the interactable UI elements so they're easier to see and fixed some cutscene issues that could cause them to get stuck. We also added a garage cutscene and a Frank mini oral scene in the yard.

Leading up to our release from Early Access later this year, we'll be adding some quality of life features to controller support, polishing and bug fixing the hell out of the base game, and adding a lot more Original Story content, voice acting, and intimacy-specific tweaks and fixes for the female player.

Thanks for being the coolest partiers ever and staying patient as we worked through the hurdle of uncensoring Lety's content in our last update. We're sorry for the delay, and we hope you have fun playing as a female! We're excited to add more of her story as we get closer to House Party's exit from Early Access!

- Eek! Team

P.S. Yeah, we've slacked a little on walkthroughs and other promised perks. Sorry doods. Just been busy as fuck tbh. But with that in mind, and because we want your juicy juicy feedback, we're making this particular Stable release available to all Patrons that are Beta Testers ($5) and up. <3 !


*if you experience any issues downloading via your browser, right click below and select "open in new tab"
House Party Stable Release 0.22.0 Windows 64 bit

Note: Updates labeled as “Testing”, “Beta”, and/or “First Look” contain unfinished and untested content. Placeholders may be present for dialogue and various assets. Older save files may no longer be compatible. Custom stories may no longer function as intended. Translations may also be incomplete. Controller support is nearly finished, but if you do run into issues, you may need to temporarily use your keyboard/mouse to restore normal functionality.


Pink is our official corporate color, not a gender stereotype. Grow up, brah.



I can test it in a few days, so i am sorry for this question but is it already possible to have some "Action" with Patrick or Derek? Or only the Girls and the mini Scene with Frank? :)


The female first look is still really early on in development, so we're not supposed to make any promises about specific intimacy scenes working right now. The main story content is available to the female player, so you can try to do any intimacy that's currently in the male's story with her, but we unfortunately can't guarantee right now that the cutscenes or legacy intimacy will function as intended or at all, in some cases. In future updates, we plan to have most of the characters that are romanceable by the male protagonist also romanceable by the female protagonist, so there will be plenty of love options (with both the male and female NPCs) available to her! Threesomes will also be possible, but they are planned to come in an update after House Party exits Early Access, as they will take quite a bit longer to implement and get the bugs sorted out from.


Could you do a translation into Brazilian Portuguese? This would attract a lot more Brazilians to the game