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Hey guys,

Here's another character reveal in the redesign! This time it's Ashley, Madison's sister! Her design is loosely based on Emily Ratajkowski. Note that as the graphic designer and myself are moving along, we are refining the process and the models are getting better and better. Ashley is definitely his best work yet, and after further discussing with him, we will be going back and revamping the first few models after we get the whole lot of them done to bring the quality to its fullest all around the board!


In this video, we also see some new AI behavior, where the characters are aware of their surroundings and respond to things like items being thrown around or waved in front of them. They can also respond to things like characters walking into a room, other characters falling down or being hurt, and also to lights being turning on and off in the house. These things can also affect their mood. Notice how by the end of the video, between what was said to her, and the annoyance of the objects being tossed around, Ashley starts pouting indicating she's not happy. This adds another layer of realism to the sim and AI that really helps the immersion!

There is a sneak peek of the new model for $10.00+ Patrons available now!

If you're new to the House Party game, you can download the latest build here:



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