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Hey guys,

I've gotten to the point where I'm starting to add content back into the game, which means soon I will have a playable beta version for you guys.  (It will be $10.00 or more patron exclusive).  Before I got back into writing the storylines though, I wanted to get a feel for what kind of game you guys want.  Initially, House Party was more of a puzzle type game with a wacky sense of humor.  Do you guys enjoy that format, and should I continue to just refine what it was?  Or are you guys more interested in a more realistic sim type of situation where you would simply try to relationship build with the girls and try to woo them over by asking the right questions and making the right response choices?  Do you want light back-stories and more gameplay, or immersive backstories less gameplay?  Let me know what you guys think, and I will be listening attentively as I approach re-writing the storylines.



It's hard to say what I want. To try woo the girls might become too much if a chore for some. I like it the way it is atm. But stupid ppl like me might have a hard time with puzzles but it's more rewarding in the end. Just make the ending worth it :D


With the way the new models are being designed, they open up more flexibility for me for the endings. Both metaphorically and literally. :)


Thanks for the input! You're right, it's hard to find that balance between realism and fun. There are some aspects to a video game which simply can't be realistic, and games readily accept that, but then there are some aspects which if they feel it *could* be better, they're dissatisfied. It's a tough one to peg just right, and that's why I've been asking for input from you guys. :)